Mini Plex
At Gourmet Hub, we have unleashed the concept of mini-plex for premiere, corporate films, family films, social function videos or any private screening. Here one can get a feel of multiplex while watching a movie or any type of AV. It's an ideal venue for private screening. It offers a lucrative opportunity for the investors as it gives better return on low investments.

9D Cinema
Yes, we wish we could bring you Cinema in 9 Dimensions but 9D cinema is something more than just sitting on a chair and viewing a large screen. Plush, luxurious sofa like recliners, privacy and the best in huge wide screen with Dolby Digital make movies come alive and the hours pass pleasantly to the accompaniment fo refreshments.
Multi Screen
Gourmet Hub is equipped with state-of-the-art multiplex enriched with all the latest features. Watching movie at the multiplex of Gourmet Hub will offer an all-together different experience.

Fireball (Bowling Alley)
The latest craze and rage to enjoy a stimulating evening and also get some exercise in the bargain is a bowling alley. Try your luck at bowling and make it a fun family adventure. Though crowded there is always space for you to try your luck at ten pin, nine pin, duckpin, five pin or candle pin bowling.
Indoor Amusement Activities
There is never a dull moment at the Gourmet Hub when you have indoor amusement activities to keep you, your family and kids happily engaged for hours in fun and laughter besides enjoying some exhilarating experiences. Come here on a rainy day or when it is hot outside and enjoy a whole range of indoor fun, the latest and the best chosen from the most popular worldwide.

The little kids are also not refrained from the fun that one can get at Gourmet Hub. Here, the children can explore a great platform where they can have fun and learn in an enjoyable manner. The fairy tales and the nursery rhymes would be loved by your kids and thus they would love the place with the ultimate peace of mind. Enter the place with your child and discover a new world designed especially for them. Get the real charm of the place and let your kids discover some amusing features, as they want. So, you can give them some nice experiences that would help them to learn new things.
Kids Experience Center
We promise the kids experience centre is more than an area where you can leave your kids safely while you have a quiet cup of coffee or relax. It is a play area, a learning area, an information center and an entertainment center all rolled into one with gaming, physical activity, computer based entertainment and more. Try tearing your kid away from here. It will not be easy.